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Hat Creek Planting Site

Hat Creek Planting Site



Check out how we partnered with Zippo to bring back nature to California.






From disaster comes hope.

We are very excited to announce our partnership with the U.S. Forest Service to bring nature back to areas devastated by recent wildfires in the Golden State.  Through this partnership, we will be reforesting the great Hat Creek of Lassen National Forest in California.  We hope through this effort we can restore this illustrious part of our nation's ecosphere to its past glory.


Devastating Wildfires

Plagued with historic dryness and droughts, we have all seen the great state of California get devasted in recent years.  We at WOODCHUCK USA knew that not only are these wildfires deadly to people and destructive to their homes, it also can prove to be fatal for local ecosystems.  This is why we have decided to act to bring nature back to these decimated lands


More About Hat Creek

Hat Creek, located in Lassen National Park in California sees visitors year-round with summer to fall being peak times of interest.  Hat Creek runs for roughly 49 miles and touts itself on its great trout fishing.  Anglers from all over the nation visit the park yearly to partake in the master-class fishing experiences